24 September 2014


第 717, 718 次飛行

無論做任何工作總不會一帆風順, 往往中間都會遇上好幾個低潮期, 我會用樽頸位黎形容, 無人會知道會幾時發生....剛剛(又或者應該說這段期間), 再次遇上工作上的低潮期.......以下是其中兩事件...

"降落左之後,空姐如常去拉分隔business class 同premium economy class(PEY)既布簾,俾business class 客去door 2落機先(因為door 1 冇開),點知有位PEY 客不斷鬧空姐問空姐點解要拉簾俾其他客(他所指既係business class 客) 落先, 然後記低左空姐個名話要向大家姐投訴,(有個客見到空姐俾人鬧到成臉口水話有無搞錯咁都要投訴。)就係空姐去door 1搵大家姐既時候,Premium economy class同埋economy class 客係business class 未落哂客就自行拉開布簾落機,導致有位business class 客又要投訴點解economy class客落機仲快過佢。
姐姐事後幫空姐做左個結論:你拉簾又死,唔拉又係死。( ̄▽ ̄)
後話: 諗呢個duty 出黎果個又係廢既,請問空姐將道門轉返manual 之後,又點攝過一堆人群仲要拉哂兩邊布簾呢?=_=
忽然有個奇想,大家姐話會寫返個報告, 即係第一份報告寫空姐因為拉簾俾PEY 客投訴,第二份報告寫空姐因為無拉好簾俾business class客投訴,唔知公司收到之後會有咩反應呢?(。-_-。)"

"A pax ate the noodles in the middle of the flight but she was still hungry, so she asked the cabin crew for a burger. Unluckily, no more burgers left. Therefore, cabin crew offered alternatives such as noodles again. Pax refused so the cabin crew offered some dry snacks such as cookies and cashew nuts to her. A while later, the pax complained that how come we said there were no more noodles but she saw other pax having the noodles and she complained the cabin crew had an attitude problem at the same time. The cabin crew was so shocked because she did offer the noodles to the pax. She tried to clarify with the pax and explained there might be some misunderstandings in between. However, the pax was stubborn, kept saying that the cabin crew didn't let her eat the "2nd" noodles and made her having "hard feeling". After the cabin crew explained one or two times, she gave up because whatever she said won't change how the pax thought.

The cabin crew told the manager the whole story and she agreed that the pax misunderstood. The cabin crew told the manager that she didn't want to explain anymore because she didn't want the pax thought that she was trying to argue.

Finally, what the cabin crew could only do was an apology even she was unwilling to do so (Having  misunderstanding does not mean someone has done something wrong). An apology on giving her "a hard feeling".

Although the section leader sounded supportive (don't want to explain why "sounded"), the cabin crew also had hard feeling and upset.

Well, this is what the service industry like. You can see a lot of people like twisting the story and you never know who can be trusted.

Overall, this flight was horrible and this cabin crew started thinking if she was the one having problems. Or else how come she had difficult time with pax on both sectors?

Moreover, how come people like to complain one has an attitude problem when they cannot get what they want? Are they really related? "

現在, 空姐的心情己經平伏了不少, 通常受到挫折之後, 空姐都會做一些極之瘋狂的事去釋放一下自己....這次都不例外.......


  1. Hi 孤菇! I've been reading ur blog since I joined CX (1.5 year ago, still very junior ah.. hahaha)
    All I can give to u is my support coz I don't know what else to say..
    We've all encountered unreasonable paxs but nothing we can do. We can just 硬食
    我最近都比crew hard time.. 唔開心左一陣 -_- 不過唔洗幾日..我已經唔係好記得lu~~~哈哈哈~~~
    唔好比其他人影響自己, 特別係呢d唔值得既人.. 反而登佢地慘, 咁易燥..咁易complain.. 佢地個心都應該好唔peaceful
    大家都明白!! 有各位crew在嘛!! 支持你!! (心心)

  2. 做一些極之瘋狂的事?

    What's that? Hahaha...

  3. I always have a question to myself, 人性本善 或 人性本惡 ? I myself encountered lots of "惡" 人 , Im sure you do too by reading your blog. Guess all we can do is breath in .. breath out 加油 !

  4. jetblue 嗰個最終做倒痴咗線. 開滑梯逃生...人係單個體只能有自己的觀點好難睇會他人的感受
