11 April 2007

巴林4 日之旅 (上)

第 252 次飛行
差不多兩年冇到巴林, 上年公司roster 俾我, 我swap 走左, 因為第一次去巴林時, 被 40 度就高溫嚇怕了, 但今次, 又因為某d 原因而 swap in 左, 踏上往巴林之旅, 由於兩年前到巴林的感覺不是太好, 所以今次都沒有抱什麼大的期望, 只係想快d 去到巴林, 訓番夠, 因為我已經飛了連續五天了...很累呢!
前幾天, check 到某位新升的老總swap in 了這班機,曾經聽同事說佢"有d麻煩野", 所以入 briefing room 時, 真係有d 驚...一入 briefing room, 果然有同事都講起佢, 搞到我地做細既, 仲更加驚...
老總做完 section leader briefing 後, 就全體咁再做多個briefing...我地最低級的同事, 一共有7 位, 佢會問一人一條 service 問題:
1. how will u serve hot/ cold drink? and why? - 同事答對了, 要用 small tray, 是為避免飲料倒瀉係客人身上...(其實好多空服好多時都貪方便, 慳時間, 所以 serve cold drink 時冇用small tray, 聽到老總咁講, 大家都要醒目d 啦, 乜野 drink 都要用small tray...)
2. how do u serve pax? - 要有 good attitude, attitude 好與唔好都會受 eye contact,tone of voice, choice of words, 同埋 postures 影響的...
3. during meal service, if pax ask for gin & tonic, how's ur response? - 通常我地meal service 都唔會放 gin & tonic 係餐車上, 所以要答i will come back to u as soon as possible, meanwhile, would u like other drinks first? 唔准答"i will come back to u LATER...", 因為老總話later 會令個客覺得要等好耐喎....(唉, 其實我覺得, 無論講later 定係 as soon as possible, 個客覺得係耐就係耐...要 complain 既始終都係會 complain...唉...)
4. when u are serving pax at row 36, which row should your foodcart be parked at? 35/36/37? - 同事起初答36, 點知俾老總問多次, 就窒左, 答37, 正確答案係 37 喎! 因為泊個foodcart 係 row 37, 先有大量的空位 serve row 36 的乘客, 同埋d meal 同 drink 唔會係客人的頭頂上serve 喎...( 呢個答案, 我冇野好講, 因為我平時都唔會留意自己serve row 36 時, 個cart 泊係邊既...總是夠位俾我serve 個客就得啦...)
5.  how do u answer call light? cancel the call light first and then answer pax request or answer pax request first and then cancel the call light? - 應該係 answer the pax request first and then cancel the call light...因為好多時客人都wrong pressing...所以如果我都唔 cancel 個call light 先, 可以話俾客人知係佢地press 個call light, 我地先黎...
6. how to set ur foodcart? - never stack up the drink...(因為好易會跌...好多同事為左放多d drink, 都會疊兩層 drink...但其實一有氣流, 都幾危險下...)
7. can you stack up 2 trays during meal service? - cannot...(一句講哂...唔夠 professional...但同事好搞笑, 佢起初係答 "in fact can", 老總立即回應 " in fact CANNOT!" 成間 briefing room 立即充滿笑聲....)
最後老總說: "put all these into practice...", briefing 就完結...
起初, 老總冇乜點睇我地做野, 直到做meal service 的後期, 我的視線範圍見到佢的出現...大家都緊張起來...最攞命係呢個時候冇哂其中一個choice 的 main course...好鬼怕俾佢聽到我點樣同d 客講呢個壞消息, 平時既我會同d 客講 已經冇哂其中一個choice的 main course, 問下佢地介唔介意take 剩下的一個choice...不過今日見到老總係度望, 我除左次次都踎低 serve 外, 仲用番公司教我地的service language: " fish rice is quite popular today and it's no longer available, would u like to take another choice which is beef potato?" 其實以前我試過咁講, 好多客都唔係好知我講乜, 不過今日就好一點, 同埋大部分人都肯食牛....
做完 service, 賣 duty free, 其中我遇到一位坐係商務客艙好奇怪的客人, 佢幫我買左隻 pilot bear, 點知佢一買完, 就剝哂bear bear 身上的pilot 衫, 仲將d pilot 衫拋番俾我, 睇到我眼都凸... 同埋覺得隻bear bear 好慘, 好似俾人姦左咁...之後我先知原來佢想將隻bear 送俾economy zone 的一位朋友, 佢仲成日叫老總送一支champagne 俾佢朋友呢! 老總就真係睬佢都傻囉....
總以為做哂 service, d 客會訓覺啦...點知機上有一group 鬼佬一d 睡意都冇, 仲成團人入哂黎galley 同我地傾計...我就真係冇咁好氣, 見佢地同阿姐咁好傾, 我就梗係坐下休息, 始終我都係一個唔多鍾意social 的人...聽下聽下, 原來佢地成group 都係攝影師, 轉係去影 car racing 既...今次去巴林的目的亦都係一樣...
最恐怖都係未做第2 個service, 機上已經冇哂水了...機師明知冇哂水, 仲要 request 一杯 cappuccino...唉..
9 小時 15分鐘的機程, 終於到左Kingdom of Bahrain, 巴林係一個國家黎, 首都亦都係巴林, 位於阿拉伯...而因為4 月的關係, 氣溫只係24度...太好了..!
到達酒店check in時, 竟然收了個壞消息...

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